Tuesday, May 25, 2010

watercolors oh my...

We have been working on making homemade water colors it was fun and easy as could be...
Here is the recipe:
3tbsp cornstarch
3tbsp baking soda
3tbsp vinger
1 1/2 tsp light corn syrup
(if you dont have light corn syrup you can mix up 2 parts suger to 1 part water, boil til well dissolve.)
food coloring

mix first three together, little one got a kick out of the foaming mix, add syrup, mix well.
seperate into small containers then add food coloring, a couple of drops each.

I have used pill containers, the ones with like seven compartments, and a paint tray.
you can paint right away with them or allow to dry for later use ( took two days to dry out)

I gave her q-tips to paint the picture above with instead of paint brushes, she thought I was crazy but she decide it was fun and the q-tips looked neat in the end..

Thursday, May 20, 2010

coaster, trivets or wat ever you call them..

Me and little miss made this for mother days and gave them to grandma for a present. We went to our local habitat for humanity (hope I spelled that right) resale store and bought some basic white tiles for 50cents a piece. You could use any size or maybe color you want. we got 4x4 ones.

I set her up with paints(nothing fancy just your basic craft paint from wally world)
and let her go to town painting them.
After they dried this is were I come in I sprayed them with triple-thick crystal clear glaze by krylon another wally world purchase, we did three coats.
Then after it was good and dry we glue plastic feet (like the ones on cutting boards) found those at dollar general store, on some and some we glued felt feet on, we got the felt feet at wally world, they were meant for furniture feet but worked great for this. and now you have a great little gift.
  I haven't test to see if it would hold up to heat or not but we use ours for drink coasters.If you do test for heat do let me know.. I would love to see your pictures if you try this out..

Hello and welcome..

Well I spend hours looking for activities to do with my little. Things that will occupy her (especially on rainy days) and add to her creativety. I find lots on the web and most of the time cant remember were I found it so if I dont give credit were it is do I am sorry in advanced, if you know were the credit belongs please let me know so I can give it or link back to them. If you have a site that you would like to share post it in your comments and we will check it out..